Youth Accounts

Kirby Kangaroo Account – For children 0-12 years old.

  • The Kirby Club is a savings program just for kids. Children ages 0-12 can become a member of the Kirby Club.
  • There is no minimum balance to open the account and we offer lots of fun prizes and activities.

Visit the Kirby Kangaroo website for fun stories, games, coloring pages, and jokes!

eXtreme Teen Account – For teens 13-17 years old.

There is a $5 minimum balance to get you started.

The eXtreme Teen Account has a customized website just for you that’s filled with financial topics you are (or soon will be)thinking about.

We offer the following services designed specifically for teens:

  • Youth Checking Account- FREE checking account with a FREE debit card, plus all of the FREE electronic services we offer so you can keep an eye on your accounts. Checking Account Application
  • First Car Loan- If your parents co-sign your first car loan, we’ll give you a rate based on your parents’ credit scores. The loan will work on building your credit score. Loan Application
  • Credit-Builder Loan- Build your credit score even if you don’t need the money. We give you a loan at a very low-interest rate but set the money aside in a savings account for you. You make payments toward the loan, and when your monthly principal payments equal the amount saved, the money is yours! Loan Application


HOLIDAY CLOSING - Monday, January 20th
Office closed in observance of Martin Luther King Jr Day.
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