Share Draft / Checking Account

Are you tired of paying fees and service charges for your checking account?  Then it’s time to open a Checking Account at YOUR credit union!  The QOCU Share Draft Checking Account offers everything you need and you won’t get dinged each month with those annoying service charges.

  • NO minimum balance requirements
  • Unlimited check writing privileges
  • FREE First 50 Checks
  • $5 minimum to open the account
  • Direct Deposit available
  • ATM/Debit Card available
  • Duplicate checks for easy record keeping
  • Non Interest Bearing

A NO FEE Quaker Oats Credit Union Checking Account could save you up to $100 per year!  Please call or stop in today for more details or complete the online forms to get started.

Open a Share Draft / Checking Account today!


*A Share Savings Account must be opened before any additional accounts can be opened.

HOLIDAY CLOSING - Monday, January 20th
Office closed in observance of Martin Luther King Jr Day.
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